The skin of our body is pretty much sensitive and anything that happens inside in our body tends to reflect on skin, many people are able to identify different diseases as well because of the appearance of impact on the skin.

Psoriasis is also one of a very common kind of skin diseases in which the cells underneath the skin tend t multiply very fast and this causes bumps on different parts of our body. The bumps are red in color and have scaly white patches which may commonly be seen on the knees, elbows and mostly on the scalp. These patches may sometimes be very smaller in sizes and rarely can cover a huge area of the body but they are not permanent in most of the case and may disappear with time also they may come back as well.

Kinds of Psoriasis (i)

When it comes to studying and knowing about psoriasis the condition is not limited to just one kind only, in fact it has several different types and each type has its own implication on the body of a person.

Pustular Psoriasis

This kind of condition has been commonly observed in people in the age bracket above 30’s. In this kind of psoriasis little blister kind of scaly skin tends to be observed on the hands and feet of the person and they have pus as well, this condition also gives a reddish patch on the areas where it takes place.

Guttate Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis is very common among children and it lingers on because of being triggered by other health conditions like problem in respiration, stress, certain injuries and tonsils. It may cause red colored tiny spots on the limbs usually.

Inverse Psoriasis

In this condition the folds of skin may be observed in a velvety look in red or brownish color and this happens most in the areas like armpits and the surroundings of the breast.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis mainly covers a large part of your body and this is kind appears as the look of sunburn, also it takes place cause of the exposure of too much sun, different kinds of infection and certain medications may cause this to happen. Secondly, people suffering from this kind of psoriasis are subjected to illness and fever very much and it requires immediate treatment because this kind leads to numerous other health conditions.

 Signs of Psoriasis (ii)

When it comes to this condition you may encounter numerous such signs and symptoms which indicate that you are suffering from psoriasis. A few such signs may include the following:

  • Appearance of red patches on the skin which seem to have a look of burns.
  • Scales in white color over the areas of patches which look little dry.
  • Bleeding and cracks on the patches.
  • Painful edges of nails with dry patches
  • Swelling and pain on the patchy areas.
  • Nails being discolored and broken being very weak

Reasons of Occurrence

Knowing about how its occurs is one of the most essential part of this discussion related to psoriasis, well there are many such reasons and causes which lead to the presence of this condition and a few such reasons may include the following.

Inappropriate Immune System

When our immune system is being disturbed out white cells in the body tend to act in a very weird way. The white blood cells in our body are meant to fight the bacteria and sometimes while attacking other bacteria they tend to attack the skins cells. This leads to creation of these lesions and bumps and gives rise to the condition of psoriasis.

Family History

Some people have this condition common in their family, though psoriasis is not contagious, but if someone in your family has suffered from it you may have the same genes in your body. This may lead to give rise to this condition.

How is Psoriasis Diagnosed?

Symptoms do tell pretty much about a particular disease but proper diagnoses is always very important when it comes to determining how to treat a particular problem, a few ways thorough which doctors conclude the presence of psoriasis in a person may include the following:

  • They carry out the physical exam of a person’s skin, they will have a look at the patches on the skin are different places and by way of examining them may conclude whether or not you are suffering from this condition.
  • Sometimes the doctors even take out a piece of patch as a sample from your skin and get it tested for biopsy, this way you may have a more clear report as to what kind of psoriasis is and how it should be treated.

How is Psoriasis Cured?

When it has been identified that a patient has developed the condition of Psoriasis then the treatment options may include many choices. Depending on the condition of the patients, the doctors recommend different kinds of creams and ointments for the task and at the same time many doctors also prescribe some medications which reduce the inflammation and redness in the patch and overall make the body function better cutting short the impact of this disease.

What Triggers Psoriasis?

If you already have psoriasis a few things which must be avoided in order to allow it to trigger the condition may include the following factors:

  • Too much stress may disrupt the immune function leading this to happen.
  • Some medications specially the ones taken for high blood pressure are also one of a trigger of this condition.
  • Cuts and surgeries may activate a sleeping psoriasis condition which may be inherited from a family member.

Keeping an eye on the symptoms is the first thing which will help you to understand the disease and get it treated in the right manner and within the right time frame. The more time you will waste the further the condition will go bad and this will always prove being troublesome in the longer run as the worsen cases may lead to more diseases.